Webmaster/Site Management Plan

Thank you for being our Customer

Many of our clients have been asking for a monthly site management plan and we are pleased to provide you, as our client, our new Webmaster/Site Management Plan. This plan comes with priority support, without all the paperwork. (Any bulk hours you have already purchased from us are still valid and can be used for any site management or development tasks you need completed.)

By selecting a Webmaster/Site Management Plan, you (the “Client”) are hiring Web Loft Designs on a retainer basis to provide on-demand support and maintenance for your website under the following terms.

  1. Upon request, Web Loft Designs will provide an estimate for any additional development work to be performed.
  2. Estimate may be more or less than final hours logged, and client will be invoiced accordingly.
  3. While we do our best to provide accurate estimates prior to beginning work, should hours exceed estimate, a representative of - Web Loft Designs must inform the Client and gain approval prior to proceeding.
  4. Web Loft Designs will proceed with work and send final invoice for balance owed upon completion. Additional hours will be charged at the maintenance rate identified in the plan tier selected by the client.

There are 3 tiers of Webmaster/Site Management Plans




Billed at $1,860/year.

Includes 1 month free!


Security Updates

Monitor threats and attacks, and set up security to prevent them. Perform security fixes and restore backups as needed. You could even include SSL certificates.

Monthly Site Audit

Complete site audit from Screaming Frog. Monitor speed issues, 404 errors, broken links, etc. and solve issues or make suggestions about how to resolve them. Testing functionality of forms, checkout process, search and page speed.

Updates; troubleshooting issues

Update the WordPress core, plugins, integrations and themes and ensure that everything works as planned and solve any issues that arise.


Perform automatic and/or manual backups on a regular schedule. Backups will be used to restore the website if needed.

1 hour of content updates

Updates to content, such as images, text, headlines, videos, etc. This cannot roll over.

Additional Development Rate

Any additional development needs will be charged at a discounted rate of $80/hr

1-hour consultation with our design, development, and digital marketing experts



Advanced (+ all Essential services)


Billed at $3,348/year.

Includes 1 month free!


Competitor analysis from SEMrush

A competitor analysis can help you:

  • See what your competition is doing on their website
  • See what keywords your competitors are ranking for
  • See what keywords your competitors are paying for in ads
  • See where you stand against your competitors based on digital KPIs

Monthly Strategy Session

Strategy Session with digital marketing team (30 min session, monthly). We are going to look at conversions, user experience in the site, Google algorithm changes and updates, content analysis.

Up to 5 hours of
content updates

Updates to content, such as images, text, headlines, videos, etc. This cannot roll over.

Additional Development Rate

Any additional development needs will be charged at a discounted rate of $75/hr



Elite (+ all Advanced services)


Billed at $11,628/year.

Includes 1 month free!


Ongoing Monthly Activities

  • Fix SEMrush Website/App Audit Errors, Warnings, & Notices
    (KPI target: SEO Audit Report above 85%)
  • Custom KPI dashboard
  • Google Analytics Tracking & Monitoring
  • Google Search Console – Monitoring Errors & Warnings, GSC XML Sitemap Submission, quarterly Search Engine submissions
  • Citation audits & disavow
  • Backlink audits & disavow

Content Marketing/Promotion Monthly

  • 5 hours of off-page SEO backlinks (with or without content; we use any content you may have such as videos, content articles, podcasts, music, pdf, press releases, etc.) to publish it on industry or similar content websites. Each backlink takes 30 min for our team to build and verify.
  • Document & PDF Sharing (up to 10 pages of new content/documents)
  • Article Promotion (up to 3 articles)

Monthly Reporting

  • Search Engine Rank Report
  • SEMrush reporting as needed
  • Strategy Meeting (1 hour session,
    1 per month)

Additional Development Rate

Any additional development needs will be charged at a discounted rate of $70/hr



Don’t see a plan that fits your needs?

Contact us so we can customize a Site Management plan for you.

Service Level Response Times

(These response times only apply to normal business hours. If you need night and weekend support,
please contact us so we can design a custom plan for you.)

Severity Level Description Response Time
Urgent Represents a complete loss of service or a significant feature that is completely unavailable, and no workaround exists. Does not include development issues or problems in staging environments. 2 business hours
High Represents a partial loss of service with severe impact to the business and no workaround exists. 4 business hours
Normal Minor loss of service. The result is an inconvenience, which may require a temporary workaround. 2 business days
Low No loss of service. The result does not prevent operation of the software. 5 business days
Ready to bring your vision to life?
With 19 years of experience, we can help build your digital presence, boost brand awareness and bring success to your business.

Empower your business with a website optimized for your specific goals

Ready to bring your vision to life?
With 19 years of experience, we can help build your digital presence, boost brand awareness and bring success to your business.